HEARTSafe Community
The Connecticut Department of Public Health and American Heart Association
encourage and promote community awareness of the potential for saving the
lives of sudden cardiac arrest victims through the use of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and increased public access to defibrillation (AED). In order to
increase this awareness, they developed an initiative to designate CT
municipalities and workplaces as “HEARTSafe.” The East Haddam Ambulance
Association (EHAA) was recently notified that their application has been
approved, designating East Haddam as a HEARTSafe community has been
approved. EHAA will also assist any local businesses in becoming a HEARTSafe
For more information, contact EHAA at ehaainfo@gmail.com, visit the website at
www.easthaddamambulance.org or join easthaddamems on Facebook or leave a
message at 860-873-2185.